Wolfram Syndrome UK Breaking Down Barriers Project Update – May 2020

WSUK is conducting a project with Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) families affected by WS called “Breaking Down Barriers”.

As part of this project, we are inviting members of our BAME WS community to a telephone discussion to share their needs and experiences, and how we can better support BAME WS affected families.

To date, 12 members of the BAME WS community have taken part, including WS affected young people and adults, parents, and siblings. Thank you so much for your participation. It is so valuable for us to hear your experiences and feedback.

Members of the WS team are continuing to contact BAME WS affected families to invite them to share their feedback. If you have not yet been contacted and would like participate, please contact the WSUK offices email: admin@wolframsyndrome.co.uk or phone 01903 211358.

“Breaking Down Barriers” is part of an initiative for patient organisations being run by Alstrom UK and funded by the Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust.