WS Handbooks and leaflets

Here are useful sources of information just on Wolfram Syndrome and a further booklet from Euro-WABB which is the European Registry for WS, Alstrom Syndrome and Bardet Biedel.

The Wolfram Information Book, was written by the WS team at Birmingham Children’s Hospital

The Wolfram Syndrome Handbook, produced by WSUK, is a useful guide for families, individuals and their Carers, schools/colleges, employers, social and healthcare providers. It has useful information of organisations at the back and case studies as well as useful medical explanations. This is a useful guide whether you are newly diagnosed or not.- Updated February 2025

The Medical Information Pack contains more detailed information for medical professionals by WS professionals.

EURO-WABB Brochure
An EU Registry for Wolfram, Alström & Bardet-Biedl

Click icon for audio (English)
Click icon for audio (اردو)

Wolfram Syndrome Infographic

Helpful Organisations Directory – This is a directory of organisations we have put together for different topics that may prove helpful to you.